Friday, July 13, 2007

musical chairs

pal oh pal,

it's always a delight to share some sense or nonsense with you!

today i actually wanted to share my impressions about the 'no-show' 'Grand Debate on Union Government' by our so-called African prezs at the Accra AU summit under the 'chairmanship of kuffour'. but something musical is taking my fancy ...away!

but you know, don't worry at all. i will surely make time to tell you why i was not disappointed like others AT ALL about the 'nonsense' outcome of that clear waste of our sweat and blood! uuuhuh!!!

so what is it that is making the news in Ghana? some report has it that we must pray the oracles not to shut down our dear akosombo dam. Else we will suffer deserved our undeserved lack of electrical power! i pray not pal, i pray not!!!

and they say some two british teenagers -16 yr olds- too had themselves convinced by one Ghanaman living in the UK and had them transported to Ghana to collect two concaine bags --or no! two laptop bags containing cocaine and nothing but cocaine! and they were supposed to have delivered this to our dear Ghanaman back in the UK. but the oracles did not permit that. they were found out at the Kotoka International Airport. so where is the Ghanaman? he must certainly be in some little hole somewhere. they must catch him too. don't ask me who must?

yeah...and the most musical of all? our JAK of a prez pal, our JAK!!! i don't know but he seems to have taken some music lessons lately and is finding it not easy coming out with an album. "Hit the G-clef JAK, hit it!" that's where the clue is! and that's what i would tell him if he sought my counsel. hahahahaa

see pal? this our JAK warns his ministers (called the G8 ministers) to resign or risk being sacked if they show or want (or what is it?) to slug it out in the NPP presidential race! and then what happens? they ignore him for sometime. HE comes out again at them and this time the AU summit was just around the corner! tricky one there! well, HE realizes somehow the air around his balls became hotter than normal so declares some window of opportunity for fresh air i think! HE says, oh you guys hold on a bit till the AU summit is over! one Jake whose surname somewhat translates into "child of the one who has no father" decides rather that he's had enough. He resigns!!!

So the AU summit comes and goes without me getting the least disappointed at the 'nonsense' outcome; and then the noise starts again. The ministers then present their resignation letters or so they say and my man apparently was not prepared! and so he says 'oh you guys koraaaaaa, ok. i've got your letters and accepted them but you hold on till i get parliament to vet and pass my replacements for you!'. pal oh pal! i don't know but me think that this whole SHIT freaks me out.

much love to Africa pal.

see you when i next do.



Nana said...

I think when you get the political-one-way-leaning out of the konko of yours, you would begin to get things right; yes, without maligning anyone with your pieces. Objectivity.
No one would shut the dam. I heard the engineer on radio say. "Once upon a time in volta, akosombo dam ejwa."

novisi said...

yo man!

talking about political-one-way-leaning! well i'm not one who wavers! at least no so unnecessarily! In any case objectivity is subjective! uuuhuh!

i only try to pin people to their responsibility with my pieces! it's a call to the basics...!

i believe once someone occupies a position of trust he must account to the people! nothing less pal, nothing less...he may give us more and that is ok...benevolence maybe! ...and we may say thank you...yes may!...but absolutely nothing less!!!

well, lets hope no one shuts down the dam! really? what if that power only rests on the shoulders of the gods?

at least i heard the engineer pray to the higher powers, clearly leading us like he was some pastor instead of a practical engineer!
